Songs and Stuff

Dark Magic makes songs and stuff for the disenfranchised, discombobulated and the antidisestablishmentarians. Crude, vulgar, offensive and filled to the back teeth with 'ye 'olde disfunctional-family fun. It's the perfect gift for your sick-arsed best mate or your alcoholic Nanna. Don't say you weren't warned...

Why Choose Us?

Why choose Dark Magic for all your entertainment needs? Are you joking? You should not... you should drink green smoothies and go for jogs, try Pilates, and have enlightening conversations with your teenage offspring about the patriarchy and white privileged... 

But you won't do that will you... 

The fact that your are still reading tells me you are a bit bent... seriously, what is wrong with you? We can't help.

These songs are very naughty. 

Stock Photo Lady
(not a real person)

About Us

Independent Artist Anarchist

Blame us for Everything

Who even really reads this far? 

Still here? Okay then...

We are the bad jokes you tell in the pub, and the mad thoughts you have buried underneath your mortgage schedule and your superannuation fund statements. We are the sadness in your spank bank and the twinkle in your mechanic's eye. 

We saw you coming a mile away. Just buy the bloody CDs. 


Studio and rabbit hole! Come visit. Bring beer.

Armidale NSW

Store Hours

Tuesday — Friday

11:00 AM — 7:00 PM

Saturday (evening shows)

7:00 PM — 11:00 PM

Sunday (recovery sessions)

2:00 PM - 6.30 PM